Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Senator Conroy responds maybe

Today I received an email below in response to my email on the Aussie Internet Censorship plan. Besides not even addressing the issues I raised the following two points need to be stated about the email

1)  No ability to send an email response or any clickable links to any further information:
"Please note this mail box is not monitored and any replies sent to this address will not be received."

There were some links on the attached pdf but instead of making them clickable one has to carefully cut and paste the links.

2) The second problem was the attached legal warning - so technically I can't post or email the pdf to anyone

The information transmitted is for the use of the intended recipient only and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, disclosure, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may result in severe penalties.
If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the Security Advisor of the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, 38 Sydney Ave, Forrest ACT 2603, telephone (02) 6271-1376 and delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.

You have to wonder who didn't actually think that a general circular email is intended for the recipient only is an idiot. And the comment not to rely on the information in the document sums up Conroy's stupid scheme.

I have read the confidential attachment and what he proposes is extremely dangerous and he is been stupid to think it will actually stop anything - any child will be able to bypass the filter as well anyone else.

Check out the getup campaign for more details

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